
9AM - 6PM Mon to Frid
9AM - 1PM Sat
9AM - 2PM Mon to Friday (The Terrace)

Opening Hours

Types of Massage

There are a wide variety of massage techniques that are known by different names.

Most therapists will use a variety of techniques during a massage session, drawing on different “schools of massage“.

Please let your therapist know what you would like or expect from the treatment. If you are not sure what would best suit you please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Types of massage available at the clinic include:

Remedial Massage: focused on injury, remedial massage assists in the removal of built up tension and scarring deep within the muscle.

Deep tissue massage: focused on deep tissues, gives a deep relaxation and stretch to the muscle. Relaxing and rejuvenating.

Swedish/relaxation: this is the most common and widely known form of massage. It incorporates a full body treatment with a combination of relaxing deep and superficial tissue massage to relax the mind and body.

Trigger Point Massage: most often used in combination with remedial massage, trigger point massage specifically targets sites of tension in muscles that form into localised points.

Sports Massage: used before and after heavy sports activity to warm up or cool down the muscles.

Pregnancy Massage:  beneficial throughout the entire 9 months, some of the benefits of which include easing of back pain,  assisting in hip re-alignment and reduction in the swelling of hands and feet.

Reiki: energy work to promote a state of calmness and relaxation.

Contact our helpful team with any questions you have or to make a booking for a relaxing massage appointment with a highly experienced and well trained, professional massage therapist.