
9AM - 6PM Mon to Frid
9AM - 1PM Sat
9AM - 2PM Mon to Friday (The Terrace)

Opening Hours

What We Do

Our therapists at Maitland Wellness Centre offer a range of skills to help people with their health problems. 

Our Acupuncturists are all registered with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in recognition of their university degrees and Continuing Professional Development. Based on their particular fields of interest, they have acquired additional training in specific health conditions and in specific modalities of treatment. You will find some of the additional modalities that we use under “Other Treatments” below. This section also explains the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling.

Herbs and Traditional Chinese Medicine are often used in conjunction with acupuncture. We have a whole range of Traditional Chinese Herbal formulas depending on your specific needs. We also provide herbs and supplements combined together specifically for your needs.

Remedial massage has been a part of medical treatment for thousands of years and our massage therapists at Maitland Wellness Centre can draw on a number of rich traditions as well as modern understanding of anatomy, physiology and the best techniques to suit each person.

The section on Other Treatments explains some of the other techniques and modalities that may be helpful to you. It includes fairly well know treatments such as Dry Needling and cupping, less known techniques like Moxibustion and Gua Sha, and important considerations like diet, exercise and relaxation. Have a look at the many skills our therapists have to offer.