
9AM - 6PM Mon to Frid
9AM - 1PM Sat
9AM - 2PM Mon to Friday (The Terrace)

Opening Hours

Ointments and Plasters

Specially formulated herbal patches, ointments and liniments may be applied to the body to encourage healing and to help with the overall function of the treatment. Please advise your therapist if you have particularly sensitive skin or skin prone to allergies prior to the therapist applying these products.  These items can also be purchased from the clinic for home use.

Products that we stock include:

Chilli Patches: For muscle aches and pain, arthritis and muscle fatigue. These are a stronger (HOT) patch, and may cause skin irritation, due to the active ingredient.  Avoid contact of the patch with sunlight and heat. Do not apply over broken or irritated skin. Do not use during pregnancy, do not use on children. Active ingredient: Capsicum. Can be left on 2-4 days.

Zheng Gu Shui: medicated liquid. This is a mild liniment useful for sports injuries. Massage into affected area 2-3 times a day. Assists in prevention of muscle cramps and spasms, bruises and sprains, and arthritis. Contains alcohol. External use only.

Trans Woodlock (Emu Oil): Oil based. A strong liniment for arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches and pains, muscular cramps and spasms. Massage affected area 2-3 times a day. Avoid during pregnancy and do not use on broken or irritated skin. May cause skin irritation. Do not use on children. This product is for external use only. This may be mixed with a carrier cream or oil to avoid skin sensitivity

Woodlock: Very strong and hot liniment for relief of muscle pain and discomfort, spasms and cramping. Avoid during pregnancy or on children. External use only. Active ingredient: winter green oil. May cause skin irritation. Also can be mixed with a carrier cream or oil to avoid skin sensitivity. Can be used 3-5 times a day.

Po Sum On: A strong oil based liniment for sprains, strains, bruising and muscle aches and pains. Also used for chest discomfort caused by bronchial cough. This oil is also useful as a topical treatment for mild insect bites. Not for children under 2 years. Avoid during pregnancy. Avoid eyes and broken or sensitive skin. External use only. Massage into affected area.

Herbal Sports Gel: Apply before and after physical activity to avoid discomfort. Cools muscular aches and pains, prevents cramps and spasms, relieves arthritic pain and cools insect bites. Aids in reducing bruising. Good for inflammation conditions. Can be used on children. Massage into affected area as required. Avoid contact with eyes.

Fisiocream: For common muscle aches and pain and relief of sports injuries. Due to its active ingredients, it is also effective to reduce bruising. Avoid eyes or open wounds. Active ingredients include Arnica and Calendula. Rub into affected area 2-3 times a day.

As always, please check with one of our therapists if you are unsure of which liniment or patch is appropriate for your individual condition.