
9AM - 6PM Mon to Frid
9AM - 1PM Sat
9AM - 2PM Mon to Friday (The Terrace)

Opening Hours

Type of conditions being researched

This is our most commonly asked question and there is no single answer because every treatment provided by Maitland Wellness Centre is specifically tailored to each person’s specific needs. First we will need to know a little more about you and what you would like help with. Everyone is different; and we want to make sure we understand the different signs and symptoms that you are concerned about. 

New research on Acupuncture is published all the time and our acupuncturists will be able to advice you based on the latest research and their clinical experience. Complicating the situation is the type of conditions being research. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on each person being different and therefore needing an individual approach to their treatments. If John gets shoulder pain in cold weather and Peter gets shoulder pain when stressed, they have different patterns, and their Acupuncture treatments have to take this into account.

Contact us today!

A short phone call with one of our therapists will normally be enough to give you a fair idea of how we can help. At times it will be difficult to give you a good answer before we have conducted a thorough intake interview. Other times the therapist will suggest a relatively short course of treatment before we sit down with you and discuss progress and future expectations.

man is interviewed by the physician